My work for more than two decades has been driven by my interest in the human mind which was prompted while growing up with my older sister who was severely mentally handicapped and blind.
Meditation and the psychedelic era also influenced my interest and desire to come to terms with my questions about thought and consciousness and because of this I have developed a visual language that continuously cycles through my work whether it is painting, drawing or sculpture.
The forms can be seen as lines of reason, gordian knots, unraveling and severed gordian knots, loosened dendrites and coils of thought advancing and receding in an brooding atmospheric almost baroque space.
I enjoy creating layers of forms which challenges discernment of what is in front and what is behind. Shapes emerge through shapes.
I tend to work concurrently with large paintings and much smaller paintings. I find that moving between the two formats tend to keep my senses sharp and aids me in seeing where the work wants to go.